Sunday, April 18, 2010

Portfolio - Buffalo

Name of Ad: 4AM Last Call

Client: Buffalo Tourism Board

Target Audience: Adults who like to barhop and stay out late in the nightlife

SMIP: Buffalo has local color and can offer the exciting nightlife of a major city without all the major city hassles.

Portfolio - Hamburger Helper

Name of Campaign: Dinner is Saved

Client: Hamburger Helper

Target Audience: Adults who are bad in the kitchen

SMIP: If you need a great meal that pleases in a pinch, Hamburger Helper saves the day in the 11th hour.

Portfolio - Hallmark

Name of Campaign: Stunning Beauty

Client: Hallmark Cards

Target Audience: Males who have trouble talking with women.

SMIP: Hallmark brings you up to par with that girl of your dreams by helping you say the right thing to her.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Radio Spot

Travel and Tourism

Monday, February 22, 2010

HTC Campaign

I've been a fan of the HTC You Campaign since I first saw it when it premiered months ago. It harkens back to the Mad Men days where they made you feel like you couldn't live without so-and-so product. Here however, this isn't an agency and a company lecturing to us why we need this: the human truth is, we all know we need our phone. In today's world, it is our lifeline and is essentially our companion throughout our busy day. This isn't telling us to think something, it's telling us to think about how that something is totally true and we just needed HTC to tell us. In a way, forget thinking, start feeling.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Creative Approaches of 3 Global Ads

In the beginning was the word. (proverb)

Take it literally. ("Baseball North")
Change the product.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Corner Office With a Liquor Cabinet - That's When You Know You've Made It.

Today's my first day of work at Blogger! I'm so excited to get down and dirty with some hardcore HTML. Everyone seems really nice here, but the creatives around here are not helping at all. I'm limited to about 8 typefaces - 8! How can I be expected to create great work with Webdings and Times New Roman?! Maybe I'll just transfer to Wordpress and Associates. I hear they're looking for a new CD.
